
Monday, 19 January 2015

DIY Message in an Egg


I got the idea for this from Lindy Tsang, better known as BubzBeauty when she told Tim she was pregnant. I thought it was such a good idea and that it would be a brilliant way for me to ask my cousins to be my bridesmaids!


You will need:





A small sharp object (A drawing pin or something similar would be best)



Ribbon (Optional)


1. Take your eggs and your sharp object (in my case I used a sewing stitch picker) and VERY carefully poke a small hole in both ends of the eggs. At this point, I didn’t actually think this would work so didn’t take any pictures!

2. Get your bowl and blow into one of the holes so that the insides of the egg come out of the other hole and into the bowl. This takes a little bit of time to build up the right technique and for all of the yolk to come out. After I had done it, I ran my eggs under the tap to get some water inside them and then blew it out again to make sure they were clean inside.

3. You will need to leave your eggs in a warm room for a few hours (preferably overnight) to make sure that the insides have completely dried out.

4. You can now paint your eggs in whatever pattern and colours you want Smile


photo 1 photo 2

5. Get your paper and cut it into a small thin strip. Write on whatever message you want, I went with “Will you be my bridesmaid <3” and role it up as small as you can get it and poke it through one of the holes. You can tie some ribbon around the eggs if you want to pretty it up a little bit more. In the picture below I left the notes half poking out of the hole so that you could see them. You will want to push these all the way in before you give them to the recipient.


photo 3

6. All that’s left to do now is to give them to whoever you have made them for! I only have 3 eggs because I asked my Maid of Honour whilst I was visiting her in Bournemouth and she is the oldest so didn’t really think she needed one! I visited all 3 of my cousins to give them their eggs and watched as they cracked them open to read their message. They all absolutely loved it!


photo 4


Would you use this method to ask your bridesmaids? Please let me know if you try it out!

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