
Saturday 27 December 2014

First Snow of the Year

So yesterday, we in England had our first snow fall of the year! It lasted around 1-2 hours and was then washed away by the rain. Always the best kind of snow if you ask me!

I don’t like it when it sticks to the roads as I really hate driving in it and everything seems to just grind to a halt! It seems that nobody really knows how to deal with snow here…

I spent this Christmas down in Bournemouth with Jakes family and being down south, the weather really wasn’t Christmassy in the slightest. We walked back from the pub at around midnight on the 23rd and it wasn’t even that cold! I had a blazer on and a scarf! No gloves, no earmuffs, no coat…its clear the weather was trying to lull us into a false sense of security as this week apparently its meant to be FREEZING!

On a plus note, being down south meant we were in the perfect place to spot Santa in his sleigh delivering all his presents! The International Space Station (ISS) just happened to be flying over our part of the country on Christmas Eve and so I got to go outside with my nephew and show him Santa Smile The people in the house next door were also doing the same thing! I said to him “can you see Santa?” and his reply was “yes but I can’t see his reindeer” I swear kids are just so cute!

I’ll be posting more often again now as wedding planning is being kicked up a gear (5 months to go!) and now that I have my new laptop (my old one broke in November) so keep an eye out!